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Florida Tenant Rights Bed Bugs: Sue Landlord

It seems the big question on everyone’s mind is what to do about the bed bugs in Florida? These bed bugs are finding their way into all parts of the world and it is becoming a challenge to take care of them. If may be wondering what your Florida tenant rights because you are renting in Florida. The question is often asked if it is the landlord’s responsibility or the tenant’s responsibility.

Chelsi wrote the following about a bed bug problem she was having. Do you have a similar experience?
“My father and I recently moved out of our home into an apartment in Florida. We have never had any kind of bed bugs or bug infestations EVER. My day is the king of killing bugs and keeping everything really clean. But ever since we have moved into this apartment I have been getting bite marks from an unknown source but my father has been fine and hasn’t received any bites. The bites have become so bad that my entire arms, parts of my legs and stomach are covered with little red bumps bites. I went to the doctor and he said they might be bed bugs or fleas. We don’t own any kind of pets and so I suspect they are bed bugs. We stripped our entire apartment down and really cleaned it and washed everything. We thought it was all taken care of until when I woke up this morning and found two bed bugs on my pillow. I was able to capture them and took them to our landlord. I can’t live like this anymore. They are driving me crazy. What are our rights concerning bed bugs in Florida?”

Wow! What a horrible thing to have to go through. I can’t imagine how terrible it is to try to even sleep at night. Well, if you are facing similar problems, here are a couple of things you can do.

FIRST: Contact your landlord immediately so that he/she can bring in an exterminator to get rid of the bed bugs. Landlords are required to pay for the expense of getting rid of the bed bugs. So that is a good thing that you don’t have to worry about an additional expense. These creatures aren’t attracted by filth like roaches and other inspects, they are attracted to blood. They are so good at hiding during the day that they are hard to see and that is why they come out at night when you are sleeping looking for their next meal. If your landlord won’t help, there are other options.

SECOND: Contact the Code Enforcement Office in your city or county to report the bed bug infestation. They may be able to help you further.

THIRD: File a Complaint with the Rental Protection Agency. It is so nice to know that their agency out there that can help you with your renter’s rights. They can help you with your landlord to get this resolved. Because you as a renter are entitled to a safe and clean place to live, if the bed bug issue is not resolved then it may be violating your rights to warranty of Habitability.

You have renters rights and should not have to live in a place with bed bugs. So take the steps you can to help get rid of the bed bugs. If your apartment is infested, chances are other apartments may be or can be so all surrounding apartments need to have the bed bugs exterminated too so that the bed bugs will not just move from one apartment to another apartment.

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