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How to Get Security Deposit Refunded? Tenant Rights

Are you moving out of your apartment in New York City and is the management giving you a hard time about giving your security deposit refund back? This actually happens to more people than you realize when they are moving out of their rentals. Moving by itself is difficult enough without having to worry about getting your security deposit refunded. It is so important that you make sure that you are not one of those statistics’s that end up losing your money at the end of the lease. You need to make sure that you know your renters rights and what is allowed and what is not allowed when it comes to your security deposit. Here are few simple steps you can take to help make sure your transition from one rental to another rental works well.

First, you must make sure that before you move that your rental is in the same condition or better than when you first moved in. How may you ask do I do this and how do I know if it is in better shape? Simply make sure that you take pictures of the rental when you first move in especially of things that may cause you problems when you move out like, holes in the wall or major stains on the carpet. By using these photos you will have evidence that you have not caused those particular problems and will not be held accountable for them. Make sure you give a copy of these photos with any documentation to your landlord when you sign your lease. You don’t want to be charged for a gouge in the wood railing when it was there when you moved in.

Second, make sure that you clean the apartment according to what is agreed on in your lease agreement. Make sure that all ovens, refrigerators, bathrooms, and flooring are clean. Make sure that you repair any damage that you or those living with you may have caused. It should be in as good a shape as when you first moved in and even better if possible. Take more pictures to make sure that you have proof of what you have done at the end. Make sure you keep a copy for your files, which will come in handy if the landlord wants to dispute the security deposit refund.

Third, do a walk through with your landlord and ask him to point out anything that would make you lose your deposit. Do this a few days before you move out so that you can fix the problems and then ask for an additional walk through to make sure you have done all that he expects for you to do. Your apartment should be clean enough for him to rent it to the next person without having to go in and do major cleaning.

Fourth, if you have done all of these things and he is still not willing to work with you, filing a complaint with the RENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY against your landlord is a good route to take. When you file a complaint with them, they will send a letter to your landlord explaining why you feel you have been wronged. You will explain this information when you file your complaint. It is an easy process and only takes minutes to complete online. I suggest that you make sure that you request a certified letter be sent. You may even request that the landlord pay your fee for filing the complaint. You will be informed over the internet as to your case file and what is happening with it. This documentation can be used in small claims court if you have to go that route but usually they are able to help you without having to do that. If your landlord does not respond, he will be given a negative public record by the Rental Protection Agency. Landlords do not want to have any bad publicity against them.

So knowing some of your options and what your renters rights are, let’s get your deposit back by filing a complaint today. Make sure that when you have turned your keys back in that you have attached those photos along with a checklist of things that you have done and what things were wrong when you originally moved in. Keep the same information for yourself. Remember you are entitled to your having you Security Deposit Refunded.

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