There is no
bill of rights definition actually exist except the one mentioned under the constitution but the bill itself allow you to go with your own definition as well. Bill of rights usually considers only the freedom mentioned under the first amendment which is all about freedom of religion and freedom of speech etc. But this is not true. The bill of right is the first amendment of constitutional rights. Which means that you have right to enjoy more rights which are mentioned in other nine amendments.
Bill of rights summary:
The following is the summary of first 10 amendment which is also known as the bill of rights in the US. Instead of copying the official wordings from the constitution we are proving the summary of each amendment from 1 to 10 so that you can easily understand them. The explanation of bill of rights or each amendment will be published later in much detail to get a further understanding but until consider the following the bill of rights definition and its summary.
Amendment 1: Freedom of religion, speech, press and assembly
The first amendment of the bill of rights gives you much freedom which includes the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of press, freedom o f assembly and the right to petition. There are many other freedom includes under the first amendment but these are the most popular and your must aware about them because they are somehow the part of our daily life.
Amendment 2: Right to keep and bear weapons with a license
Even after many years, the second amendment is still in the debate due to its nature. As per this 2nd amendment, you have right to keep and bear arms which mean that you have right to own personal weapons. But it does not mean that you may have right to own any type of weapons. The constitutional law has defined that what type of weapons you may own or not.
Amendment 3: Right to stop troops to enter at your residence
The third amendment is one of those which is not really in practice because people do not know much about this amendment of the bill of rights. As per the third amendment, you have the right to stop troops to enter at your private residences (e.g. house) without your consent or at least they need to have some type of court warrant for this purpose. This rule applies on app type of military in America.
Amendment 4: Right to refuse unreasonable search and seizure
The fourth amendment is quite similar to the amendment number 3 but it does not only apply on your private residence but also on your other assets as well. As per the fourth amendment, the law enforcement cannot search you without having a warrant against you. You can also use this right when you have been pulled over by police on road or you have been stopped at a checkpoint.
Amendment 5: Double jeopardy, due process and self-incrimination etc
Under bill of rights, the fifth amendment is more like gives and take to the government. As per the 5th amendment, the government must respect your legal rights, they cannot force to testify against you and tried twice for the same crime. But this amendment also mentioned that government can take over your property in return of a fair price.
Amendment 6: Right to counsel, public and speedy trials etc
The sixth amendment is specific to those who has been accused of a crime. This amendment gives you many rights which you can be used in the court. As per the sixth amendment, you have right of public and speedy trial, you have right to decide that who determined you innocent or guilty (the jury or the judge), you have right to question witnesses against you in trial and have a right to have assistants a lawyer to help you with your defense
Amendment 7: Right to a jury trial (civil trial by jury)
The seventh amendment of the bill of rights does not really say anything except that you have the right to a jury trial but to avail this right the case should be over $1500 which used to be only $20 in past.
Amendment 8: Right for bail against money and unusual punishments
The eighth amendment gives you right to get bail against money, which means that if you have committed a crime then you can be free from the jail but you need to pay money against your bail while you need to attend the trials. The second part of this amendment allow you to go against the cruel and unusual punishment but there is no definition of unusual punishment has been mentioned under the bill of rights.
Amendment 9: Freedom of rights beyond bill of rights and constitution
The constitution of America has the list of rights which you can avail but it does not really cover the all the human and basic rights because they are in thousands. So, the ninth amendment has been added in the bill of rights to provide you protection over your rights which means that if there is a right which is not mentioned under the constitution then it does not mean that you cannot practice that.
Amendment 10: Powers and rights of people and states
If there is a power which has not been given to the national government and government departments (e.g. police and army etc) then state and people are allowed to practice it or decide it as per their own. This could include freedom to get the education, marriage and much more.
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